German Doctor: ''They're completely exhausted and depleted."

Tom Sundermann HuffPost Germany More than a million migrants and refugees have arrived in Germany from war-torn countries in the past year, and Chancellor Angela Merkel's decision to open the country's doors to many of them has its supporters and opponents pitched against each other. Last week, Dr. Raphaele Lindemann, who works in an arrival camp for people who have sought asylum in Germany, took to Facebook to describe his experiences in the camp, as well as the insights he gained while working there. Lindemann did not name the camp he worked in. I can assure you that it's impossible, for example, to treat a foot for frostbite when that foot has marched 500 kilometers in ruined shoes and wet socks through the winter, and in the process preserve a rosy view of humanity. Or to treat a 4-week-old infant in wet clothes with a lung infection, brought across the Mediterranean and from Greece all the way here along with a 1-year-old and a 4-year-old by a s...